A kid with a tiny trolley on a stick ran past me on a polka dot sidewalk while a little girl meowed at me from behind a kitty cat mask. Welcome to Daniel Tiger’s neighborhood.
If your kid is a preschooler you know all about Daniel Tiger, the animated star of PBS Channel 9’s hit cartoon for little kids. For the unintiated, Daniel Tiger is a modern spin off of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, produced by the Fred Roger’s Company. The show continues Mr. Roger’s valuable lessons in kindness, sharing and imagination in cartoon form.
Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood
The new Magic House exhibit is totally for preschooler fans of Daniel Tiger. Everything is on their scale: tiny houses, short counters, little cars and tons of fun. Because my kids are a bit too old for Daniel Tiger, I tagged along with 3 year-old Hattie from AndHattieMakesThree.com on member preview day. She gave me the whole tour.
Kids can put on costumes and be Daniel Tiger and friends, drive a toy trolley, explore the Clock Factory, visit the Post Office.You can even knit a red sweater with the help of a clever machine. Ok, it’s a giant red tube, but don’t tell the kids. They just think it’s fun to watch the yarn weave together.
And if you don’t have enough Daniel Tiger toys in your life a quick visit to the gift shop will cure that!
The Daniel Tiger exhibit is included with your Magic House admission and will be in town until May 7.
We visited on member preview day and it was crazy busy! I highly recommend Daniel Tiger fans check out this exhibit while it’s in town, but see if you can go on a not-so-busy day to really enjoy the whole neighborhood!
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