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Easy Minecraft Creeper Costume…that’s comfy to wear!

Minecraft Creepers have become a classic costume over the last couple years. This post will show you how to make a Creeper suit that’s soft and flexible where it counts — so your kid can sit down. You can also use the tutorial below to make your own Creeper Head from a cardboard box.

Halloween 2020 Note: if you take your kid to some Halloween events this year, they may ask that you not wear a full face mask. Why? They want to make sure everyone is wearing nose & mouth masks.

I’ll post a photo soon, but I’m working on a 2020 fix: a creeper “helmet” with a larger opening for your child’s face. Then wear a creeper pattern face mask to finish the look.

Now I know, you’re probably going to look at this is costume and say, gee whiz that’s a lot of work!

Well…yeah. But if you can’t find a good costume in the store (it happens), or you can’t find the right size…or if you just don’t want to spend $60 bucks on one time Halloween wear?

$60? Oh yeah. Because some of the super lame-o costumes you’ll find at Amazon, Walmart or Target are $40 and comes with the WORST mask ever. Your kid will beg for the officially licensed square head from Jinx….for another $24.

This costume is so sad I’m not even going to link to it.

If you have an old set of sweats to donated to the cause, you can turn your kid into a Creeper for the cost of felt and hot glue. Which might run you 7 to 10 bucks at Michael’s, even less with a coupon.

Minecraft Creeper Costumes for Halloween

When Mitch first wanted to be a Creeper for Halloween, Minecraft was still pretty new and just starting to merchandize. Sure, we could find a Minecraft t-shirt at Target, but for some reason, not a costume.

They’ve since flooded the toy aisle with Minecraft action figures, plushies and weapons…and around Halloween you’ll find a really REALLY lame Creeper costume.

Not that I like to buy costumes anyway.

Kid trick or treating in a home made Minecraft Creeper costume

Need another great idea for a Halloween costume? I’ve got 31 No Sew Halloween Costumes right here!

The internet is full of creeper costumes that involve sticking your kid in box, and believe me, the last thing you want is a six year old in a box. I wanted him to be able to run around on Halloween, not hop up and down in an uncomfortable costume!

I came up with something a little less authentic, but more flexible. A Creeper sweat suit.

Mitch could not only Trick or Treat in this costume, but we took it to Boo at the Zoo and Grant’s Farm Halloween nights and actually…sit down. And ride the trams, trains and carousels. That’s a huge plus!

kid in a Halloween Minecraft creeper costume that is home made

First, a warning: this costume is for Halloween, not a Comic Con. It’s not realistic. Heck, it’s not even straight in spots. But it is pretty easy to put together if you don’t mind hot gluing a few hundred squares of felt.

DIY Minecraft Creeper Costume


Make the Creeper Head

Acquire a square box. Cut off the bottom flaps (save the cardboard). We bought one from FedEx that claims to be 11×11 but was more like 11.5 by 12ish. Naturally, this box is larger than the 11×17 printout I hoped to use, but I came up with a solution. (More on that later.)

Click here!!
—>>> Print out the printable creeper mask. <<<—
In color.

Note: If you want to save yourself a little trouble, you can buy a ready to go Creeper Head online anytime of year. Then go ahead and make the rest of the suit, because it’s WAY better than anything you can get at the store! (Also, I think I nailed the colors with my printable–that’s the store bought head down below.

My printable was made on an ancient copy of Publisher and turned into a pdf. You’re welcome. Minecraft heads are 8×8 squares, but due to the odd size of my box I made this one a bit longer so you can wrap it around a wonky size.

To adjust for the odd width of the box, I cut the white borders off the printout and taped them together like really expensive wrapping paper. You’ll tape together the face and FOUR sides. (And overlap the paper–I overlapped by a full square.)

What? Four sides? Yes. The extra sheet is needed if your box is a little over 10.5 inches wide. Trust me on this. The fifth “side” sheet is for the top.

Cut out one square in the black for eye holes. Place the printout on the box, trace the square and cut.

Wrap the paper around the box gift wrap style. Fold it around the inside edge. Tape. Tape. Tape.

Trim a piece for the top. Tape some more.

Ta Da!

creeper costume head printed on paper
creeper costume head printed on paper
creeper costume head printed on paper, cutting out eye holes
creeper costume head printed on paper, wrapping it around a box
creeper costume head inside of box

Notice that inner ring in the box up there? Yeah, about that. See, if you put an 11×11 box on a six year old’s head, you end up with a kid that can’t see as it spins wildly around his head. So we taped the leftover flaps into a headband and taped it to the top of the box. Genius!

The headband is taped close to the face for better visibility.

cardboard strip
close up of cardboard
inside box--cardboard to fit creeper head to kid's head
inside box

NOTE: You could also cover the box with squares of paper. If you’re a scrapbooker and have leftover green paper, it might even be cheaper. Just glance at the printable as a guide for the face pattern (no need to print out full size if you’re just using it for a guide).

Make the Creeper Body

The body is pretty simple. You cut out lots of felt squares and glue all over the suit, more or less in straight lines. I’m not Martha Stewart here, so I’ll admit my kid’s suit has some…interesting bits.

Just remember this is a Halloween costume and unless you’re competing for a $5000 prize, no one is going to care if there’s some squares that aren’t quite square.

Besides, real humans are NOT square, so you’re going to run into trouble around arm pits and neck lines. Just do your best.

I started with a bottle of fabric glue for this project, but it takes too long to dry. And I tend to make costumes at best, 24 hours before they need to be worn. I switched to a hot glue for speed–the glue dries instantly and had a GREAT bond. Just dap glue in the four corners, anything more is overkill.

How much felt? Well, I used 30+ pieces of felt in five colors of green to cover a boy’s small hoodie and pants. You may need more. Or less.

I also used a random size for the squares, which happened to be the price tag of the felt. You could make your squares bigger and maybe get it done faster.

Don’t worry about straightness. Unless there’s prize money on the line. In that case, you should be reading someone else’s tutorial.

hoodie and felt for a creeper costume
a square of felt
gluing squares of felt to a creeper costume
hot glue
kid in halloween minecraft creeper costume

Can’t Get Enough Creepers?

Neither can we! Check out my Ultimate and Complete Gift Guide for Minecrafters here!

Got a Minecraft fan who wants to be the scariest mob? Then here's the perfect Halloween costume--that's easy to wear!