Ready to make send off your kid’s first baby tooth in style? Take your mythical elf game up a notch with these Tooth Fairy ideas, including crafts for kids and sneaky tips for parents.
And if you totally missed tooth fairy night, it’s ok. We got you covered for that too!
Tooth Fairy Crafts
A great list of crafts to make your kid's first (or 6th) tooth fairy visit EXTRA special.
Make it super easy for the Tooth Fairy to find that tooth with a simple felt pillow. Your kid's tooth goes right in the pocket!
Your kids can make this Tooth pillow while they're wiggling that first loose tooth! The pillow is made from felt and makes a great beginning sewing project.
Bunk beds can make the a midnight tooth hunt way too challenging. Tell your kids the fairy needs a bit of help and use this special dangling pouch.
This craft is from the UK where Kinder Surprise chocolates are a lot cooler. American's can make something similar using a plastic Easter Egg.
Make a cute box for the tooth fairy from a moisturizer tin.
If you're not really into the whole "fairy" thing or just want to avoid retrieving teeth from under a pillow, try this cool mailbox idea.
Is your kid's Tooth Fairy "Extra"? Then here's some gift ideas to use instead of money! (Just make them in advance and keep them hidden until needed!)
Does your Tooth Fairy like to write notes? Here's an awesome idea for an authentic fairy note.
If your kid hasn't lost that first tooth yet, read this to help plan your fairy strategy!
Here's a free Fairy Apology Letter for that time you, er, the fairy, forgot.
Make that first (or 5th) visit extra special!
How your origami game? Make your fairy's paper money give super special by folding it into a tooth shape!